Friday, August 12, 2011

INNER JOIN to find duplicates in MySQL

Let's say I have a phones table and I want to find the duplicate extensions in this table.
This table has over 20k records. So, I need query to find the duplicates to make my life easy.

We can use INNER JOIN along with logic to find the duplicate.

Query to find the duplicates:

SELECT phones.* FROM phones INNER JOIN(SELECT extension,COUNT(extension) FROM phones GROUP BY extension HAVING COUNT(extension)>1) as phones2 ON phones.extension=phones2.extension ORDER BY phones.extension LIMIT 0,200;

SELECT phones.* FROM phones : This reads all the columns from the table phones
SELECT extension,COUNT(extension) FROM phones GROUP BY extension HAVING COUNT(extension)>1) as phones2 : This reads all the duplicates (i.e extension count > 1) and create a VIEW phones2
ON phones.extension=phones2.extension : This a logic to check duplicate extensions
ORDER BY phones.extension : To sort the output by phones.extension
LIMIT 0,200: To display at most 200 data

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