Thursday, March 4, 2010

MySQL Basics

This Tutorial will help u gain confidence in MySQL. Just make sure that u will follow each steps. If you find any problem, just leave comment,I will reply asap.

Packages required to be installed

DEVAst02:~ # rpm -qa|grep mysql






Default config file /etc/my.conf

Post Installation:

1> Create Password for root user

Admin user id: root

Default password: blank

The first task is to assign a password:

[prompt]$ mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'

Note: the following SQL commands will also work:

mysql> USE mysql;

mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new-password') WHERE user='root';


2> Delete blank user (Security Issue)

MySql has blank user for test purpose. It should be removed.

DEVAst02:~ # mysql -h localhost -u -p

Running above command gives access to mysql. So, it needs to be deleted

mysql> show databases;

mysql> use mysql;

mysql> SELECT User,Password,Host from user;

mysql> DELETE FROM user WHERE User=' ';


Some Fundamental Operations:

1> Create Database, create table, add entries, update entries, delete entires; drop table and drop database;

DEVAst02:~ # mysql -h localhost -u root -p

mysql> show databases;

mysql> create database asterisk;

mysql> show databases;

mysql> use asterisk;

mysql> show tables;

mysql> create table Records (Number char(20),Name char(20), email varchar(40));

mysql> show tables;

mysql> describe Records;

mysql> INSERT INTO Records(Number,Name,email) VALUES('25962','Dev Shah','');

mysql> SELECT * FROM Records;

mysql> UPDATE Records SET Name='Deven Shah' WHERE Number='25962';

mysql> SELECT * FROM Records;

mysql> DELETE FROM Records WHERE Number='25962';

mysql> drop table Records;

mysql> drop database asterisk;


Security and database access is controlled by the GRANT tables. Access to connect to the database and access to process the transaction (table and column access, etc.) are both required. Privileges are searched in the following order:

user table

db and host table



DEVAst02:~ # mysql -h localhost -u root -p

mysql> show databases;

mysql> use mysql;

mysql> show tables;

Mysql> SELECT * FROM User;

Use the user table to grant connection privileges to database by a user (host, user name and password). Grant database and table access for transaction access. i.e. grant "SELECT", "UPDATE", "CREATE", "DELETE", "ALTER" etc. permission for database, table, field (columns) or database server access.

Add a user and grant the access:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE asteriskdb;

mysql> USE mysql;



| Tables_in_mysql |


| columns_priv |

| db |

| func |

| host |

| tables_priv |

| user |


mysql> INSERT INTO user (Host, User, Password, Select_priv) VALUES ('', 'asteriskuser', password('redhat'), 'Y');

mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; - Required each time one makes a change to the GRANT table

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asteriskdb.* TO asteriskuser;

mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; - Required each time one makes a change to the GRANT table

mysql> quit

Now try:

DEVAst02:~ # mysql -h localhost -u asteriskuser -predhat

mysql> use mysql;

ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'asteriskuser'@'%' to database 'mysql'

mysql> use asteriskdb;

Database changed

Since you are accessing mysql as asteriskuser,you are granted only to access asteriskdb.

If you need to grant access to all databases, you should Grant

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO asteriskuser;


Assignment: Create a user 'dbreader' with password 'redhat' that has read-only permission on database 'phones'.

Step1: Create user

msyql>CREATE USER 'dbreader'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'redhat';

Step2: Grant rights for read-only

mysql>GRANT SELECT ON phones.* TO 'dbsreader'@'%';

[Note: Granting SELECT command is enough for READ operation]

Now you should be able to access 'phones' database from any machine using user 'dbreader'.

For More:


  1. GRANT ALL ON foo.* TO bar@''

  2. Hey Ryan, you might want to check this out too...

    It tells you how to connect mysql remotely. However I am going to write my own tutorial for remote login in MySQL in near future.

  3. always GRANT ALL and FLUSH PRIVILEGES after creating a user.....
